Samsung INR 18650 30Q 3000mAh 20A High Drain Battery Ireland
Genuine Samsung 18650 30Q 3000mAh 20A Battery
The Samsung 30Q 18650 battery is a relative newcomer, with its release date back in 2014. It is a very good cell, with a capacity of 3000mAh and a maximum continuous discharge of 15A and 20A when temp below 75C.
INR 18650 30Q Specs:
- Model: 30Q
- Manufacturer: Samsung SDI
- Country of Origin: South Korea
- Chemistry: INR (Hybrid)
- Max. continuous discharge current: 19A (Rated by Mooch)
- Nominal capacity: 3000 mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.6 V
- Discharge end voltage: 2.5 V
- Charging voltage: 4.20 +/- 0.05 V
- Standard charging current: 1.5 A
- Protection: Not Protected (Flat-Top)
Samsung SDI batteries are not designed, intended or manufactured for use in E-Cigarette devices. By continuing to checkout, you agree that you will not use these cells for vape devices.
Samsung SDI have recently renewed their public displeasure at the sale of their Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery cells (RBLIC) products to end users globally, We are bound by the Office for Product Safety and Standards in the Ireland to advise that Samsung SDI have not designed, manufactured, endorsed or otherwise approved these products for use by consumers.
For vaping use, we recommend Molicel or Sony who officially authorise their cells for use in e-cigarette devices.